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Derby kotalke
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Tabela velikosti

01. Oktober 2014

Photo Album Berlin 41. Marathon inlineskating

You can order all photos in high resolution for your album at cost of 2 euro per photo. Please send email to info@bont.siwith your name, surname and photo numbers (see link below the photo) and we will send you the Proforma Invoice which you can pay with PayPal or SEPA. After we confirm the payment you will receive your photos and invoice in your mailbox.

Slike v polni resoluciji za vaš album lahko naročite po elektronski pošti na naslov Cena (1) fotografije je 2 evra. Pošljite številko zahtevane slike, poslali vam bomo predračun. Ko bo potrdilo o plačilu predračuna izkazano, boste dobili zahtevane slike v polni velikosti po elektronski pošti in račun. Plačilo je možno preko PayPala ali IBAN transakcije.